Categorical geometry and related works
Construction of categorical bundles from local data Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 31, 2016, No. 14, pp 388-417.
Twisted-Product Categorical Bundles Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 98, December 2015, Pages 128-149.
Connections on Decorated Path Space Bundles Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, September 2014 (updated January 2016).
Twisted Actions of Categorical Groups Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 29, No. 8, 2014, pp. 215-255
Pathspace Connections and Categorical Geometry Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri and Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 75, January 2014
A Morphism Double Category and Monoidal Structure Algebra, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 460582
Parallel Transport over Pathspaces Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri, Ambar N. Sengupta, Reviews in Mathematical Physics 9 (2010) 1033-1059.
Negative Forms and Pathspace Forms Saikat Chatterjee, Amitabha Lahiri, Ambar N. Sengupta, International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, Vol. 5, No. 4 (June 2008) 573-586.
Infinite-dimensional geometry and probability
The Gaussian Radon as a Limit of Spherical Transforms, Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 271, Issue 11 (2016) 3242-3268. Correction: The equation for the subspace should be
The Gaussian Radon Transform in Classical Wiener Space Irina Holmes and Ambar N. Sengupta, Communications on Stochastic Analysis Vol 8, No. 2 (2014) 247-268.
The Gaussian Radon Transform and Machine Learning Irina Holmes and Ambar N. Sengupta, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics Vol. 18, No. 03, 1550019 (2015).
A Gaussian Radon Transform for Banach Spaces Irina Holmes and Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 263, Issue 11, 1 December 2012, Pages 3689-3706
A Support Theorem for a Gaussian Radon Transform in Infinite Dimensions Jeremy J. Becnel and Ambar N. Sengupta, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 364 (2012), 1281-1291.
The Radon-Gauss Transform Vochita Mihai and Ambar N. Sengupta, Soochow Journal of Mathematics, Volume 33, 415-434 (2007). The Radon-Gauss Transform
Finance and Mathematics
Identities and Inequalities for CDO Tranche Sensitivities Claas Becker and Ambar N. Sengupta, Communications on Stochastic Analysis, vol. 7, no. 3 (2013).
Temporal Correlation of Defaults in Subprime Securitization Eric Hillebrand, Ambar N. Sengupta, Junyue Xu, Communications on Stochastic Analysis, Vol. 6, Number 3 (2012) 487-511
Quantum Physics
Complex Phase Space and Weyl’s Commutation Relations Sergio Albeverio and Ambar N. Sengupta. (updated November, 2015)
Finite Geometries with Qubit Operators Ambar N. Sengupta, Quantum Probability, and Related Topics, Volume: 12, Issue: 2 (2009) pp. 359-366.
Quantum Yang-Mills in the large-N limit
Quantum Free Yang-Mills on the Plane Michael Anshelevich and Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Geometry and Physics, Volume 62, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 330343
Traces in two-dimensional QCD: The large-N limit Ambar N. Sengupta, pages 193-212 in ‘Traces in Geometry, Number Theory and Quantum Fields’, edited by Sergio Albeverio, Matilde Marcolli, Sylvie Paycha, and Jorge Plazas, published by Vieweg (2008).
Chern-Simons Theory
A Mathematical Construction of the Non-Abelian Chern-Simons Functional Integral Sergio Albeverio and Ambar Sengupta, Commun. Math. Phys. 186, 563-579 (1997).
Chern-Simons Theory, Hida Distributions, and State Models Sergio Albeverio, Atle Hahn, Ambar N. Sengupta, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 6(Special Issue on Probability and Geometry) (2003) 65-81.
Quantum Yang-Mills for Surfaces
Gauge Theory in Two Dimensions: Topological, Geometric and Probabilistic Aspects Ambar N. Sengupta, pages 109-129 in ‘Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Physics’ edited by Gerard Ben Arous, Ana Bela Cruzeiro, Yves Le Jan, and Jean-Claude Zambrini, published by World Scientific (2008)
The Volume Measure for Flat Connections as Limit of the Yang–Mills Measure Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Geometry and Physics 47 398-426 (2003).
Sewing Yang-Mills Measures for non-trivial Bundles Ambar N. Sengupta, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 6 (Special Issue on Probability and Geometry) (2003) 39-52.
The Moduli Space of Flat Connections on Oriented Surfaces with Boundary Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Functional Analysis 190, 179-232 (2002) : Special Issue dedicated to the memory of I. E. Segal.
Sewing Symplectic Volumes for Flat Connections over Compact Surfaces Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 32 (2000) 269-292. Over the years I have found the determinant and disintegration formulas in sections 2 and 3 of this paper to be very useful in other contexts as well.
Yang-Mills on Surfaces with Boundary : Quantum Theory and
Symplectic Limit , Ambar Sengupta, Communications in Mathematical Physics 183, 661-706 (1997).
The Moduli Space of Yang-Mills Connections over a Compact Surface Ambar Sengupta, Reviews in Mathematical Physics 9, 77-121 (1997).
The Segal-Bargmann transform
An Infinite dimensional identity for the Segal-Bargmann Transform Jeremy Becnel and Ambar N. Sengupta, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 135 (2007), 2995-3003.
Holomorphic Fock spaces for Positive Linear Transformations Ray Fabec, Gestur Olafsson, Ambar N. Sengupta, Mathematica Scandinavica, 98, 262-282 (2006).
The Segal-Bargmann Transform for Two Dimensional Yang-Mills, Sergio Albeverio, Brian C. Hall and Ambar N. Sengupta, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 2 (1999) 27-49.
The Segal-Bargmann transform for path spaces in groups, Brian C. Hall and Ambar N. Sengupta, Journal of Functional Analysis 152 (1998).